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absolute ceiling meaning in Hindi

absolute ceiling sentence in Hindi
पूर्ण सीमा
उच्चतम उड़ान-सीमा

उच्‍चतम सीमा
निरपेक्ष ऊँचाई
निरपेक्ष तौल
absolute    परम सिद्धांत परम
ceiling    ऊँचाई अन्तिम सीमा
1.The remaining flight testing established the service ceiling as and the absolute ceiling as.

2.At absolute ceiling, therefore, even with maximum power, the aircraft can no longer accelerate or climb.

3.So it makes sense to consider that amount as the absolute ceiling for the cost of insurance.

4.Service ceiling was 26, 000 ft, and absolute ceiling was 26, 700 ft . Range was 800 miles.

5.The owners, demanding cost certainty, want an absolute ceiling on player salaries in the next collective bargaining agreement.

6.The absolute ceiling varies with the air temperature and, overall, the aircraft weight ( usually calculated at MTOW ).

7.The first league to implement a salary cap just became the first to get an absolute ceiling on individual player salaries.

8."He set an area where he feels the payroll needs to be, but he hasn't said,'This is an absolute ceiling .'

9.Three usages per scene are the absolute ceiling before a player must switch to another Trait or start taking Detriment Dice.

10.The new agreement includes an absolute ceiling on individual player salaries and a five-year pay scale for rookies, both benefiting the owners.

  More sentences:  1  2  3
the maximum altitude at which an airplane can maintain horizontal flight

How to say absolute ceiling in Hindi and what is the meaning of absolute ceiling in Hindi? absolute ceiling Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.